Rob from The Hot Dog Truck had included my site in his viral list called The Hot Dog List. Thank's Rob!
It started with Mack Collier of The Viral Garden, who came up with the idea of giving a link boost to smaller bloggers: the ‘Z List’. As you may know, a blog’s success in terms of visibility really depends on links: more links = higher Technorati & Google Pagerank results = more people finding you. So let's join the game by promoting the list. It works!
The premise is simple: Write a post, and copy and paste my list from below into it. Make sure the links are active and correct. If your blog is on that list, remove it because your post isn’t about self-promotion. Don’t worry, because if your name is on mine, it’s on others and will spread. Add your favorite deserving blogs to the top of the list (not compulsory). Publish the post. People will notice the incoming links, and hopefully write their own Hot Dog List posts. The result will be that we all get more links pointing to our blogs, and more readers — it’s got to be good!
Key Points
1. Create a new post on your blog.
2. Copy and Paste the entire list of blog links below
3. Add any blogs that you want to include near the top of the list. (Optional)
4. Include the blog where you first got the list from, on the list in your post.
5. Make sure that all links are copied intact (use the source, Luke).
6. Publish the Post.
The List
Markeff's Boudoir
Mind Body Spirit And Fluttering Thoughts
Financial Independence
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Writing From The Inside Out
Thinking Tunnel
Much Of A Muchness
Awannabe's Hangout
Brown Thoughts
Football Round Ups
Coffee, Tea or Baabooo
Blog -Blond
What U Did Today
One Old Green Bus
Tiny Voices in My Head
Comedy Plus
You are in My World Now
Life With Heathens
what I think about...
Wonderful Thoughts
Writing In Faith
The Hot Dog Stand
The Wired Kayaker
A Bunch of Stuff
The Porch Light
Winning Football Picks
Valuable Lessons We Can Learn From Children
John Chow dot Com
The Life of Ben, a Polymer Man
Trik's Gulch
Peety Passion
Our Cheating Ways
$ Secret Money Blog $ By : Bob Matharoo
Notes of an Asian Gastronomist
Journey of a Lifetime
A little piece of me
NoDirectOn (not: NoDirection)
An American Peyote Scribble
Let's Share Feelings
Tales of Prinzcess Prinzcy
The Blogger's Block
Laane on the World
Danny Danny Wakeup It's A Beautiful Day Today
The Political Realm
How to Earn Money Blogging
Electric Writer
About Every Little Thing
Dumb Ox Daily News
TwistedSister.....totally pissed off!
When I grow up...
Weird Websites
The Hot Dog Truck
My Interesting Files
The Dwacon Blog
Just a Girl From LA
Chronicles: Alan B. Rowley II - Success Coach
IdiotBrain - Because People are Stupid
The Kerala Articles
Eternal Echoes
The 15 Minute Dating Blog
Going The Wong Way
the hidden side of a leaf
Word Life!
Why Buy Used Cars
Cubicle Denizen
n E o A u T e U r
The Weight Loss Blog
Bimbo with a Twist
Terri Terri Quite Contrary
Syaf The Geek
Disjointed Intelligence
Aussie Bush Food
Growing Linux Events and News Spot
Joe Schroeder Uncovered
What the...?!
Advertising for Success
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Hot Dog List
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Labels: Internet
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ten Steps to a happy life
Everyone wants a happy life. Here are ten steps to get one guaranteed, all you've got to do is follow them!Thank's to my friend Stubsy for the post.
read more | digg story
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
The 5 Old Post Meme
My other site My Interesting Files, has been tagged by one of my favorite blogmates, Markeff from Markeff's Boudoir. Thank's bro! I'm so honored being chosen to be one of your specials.
This meme consists in picking 5 among your previous posts. This is not easy, as you know there are hundreds of posts in there and most of them are interesting to me. But finally I managed to sort them, and here they are :
~ Amazing Story of Forgiving
~ Recreation Vehicle
~ Tennis Court In Sky
~ Playboy Germany Ads
~ These Are Just Pencils
And here are the 5 people that I would like to tag :
~ Rob
~ Ugyen
~ Diane
~ Suntze
~ Sueblimely
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Labels: Internet
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Second Payment From ClixNCash

Continuation from my first post about ClixNCash, I received my second payment from ClixNCash today. Amount $0.54 transfered directly to my E-Gold account. It's only 10 days after my first payment, with 1 active referral.
My target now to earn more from ClixNCash is to get more referrals. They don't offer you to buy referral from them, or give away as bonus if you make a purchase from them like Snow Clicks. So what I'm doing now is promoting my link. I got paid by promote anyway.
If you got interest for joining ClixNCash, you can register HERE as my referral.
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Labels: Earn Money Online
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
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Labels: Interesting
Monday, August 20, 2007
Great Method to Cheat on an Exam
Have you ever cheat in your exam? How do you do it? Ever get caught?Well, the conventional way of cheating is over! Let’s look at the latest way.
read more | digg story
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Labels: Interesting
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Snow Clicks

I just got paid from Snow Clicks amount $0.54 transfered directly to my E-Gold account. 1 weeks different from ClixNCash.
This is one of my favorite PTC site. Cause they offer many profitable bonuses. I only spend $10.00, and I got my membership upgraded, thousands credits for advertisements and 33 referrals. And I had included in purchase contest, so far I'm in the third place which I have the chance to win $5.00 in the end of the month. Not bad huh?
Snow Clicks is a PTC program. Snow Clicks pay you to click ads, read emails, read ads, and they pay you to sign up. They also have a free click exchange. You'll get 10% of your referral earnings. Minimum payout is as low as $0.50, pay through PayPal or E-gold. And it's free to join!
If you want to give it a shot, register HERE.
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Labels: Earn Money Online
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I received my first payment from ClixNCash amout $0.50 transfered directly into my E-Gold account. One thing that amazed me was, I had reached the minimum payout only in 2 weeks time and all the clicking I did it myself, which means no referral.
It possible because ClixNCash serves more ads for us to click rather than other PTR program. Other program that I joined at the same day with ClixNCash and has the same amount for minimum payout, most of them I had earned only half of the amount of my ClixNCash earning.
For those who never heard about ClixNCash, this is a Pay To Read (PTR) program. A professional online company that offers a wide range of online services and products. At ClixNCash you get paid to share this site with others and to click on links, and also offer affordable advertising that you can trust.
Paid To Click : $0.01 per click
Paid To Promote : $0.20 per cpm
Paid To Join : $0.10 per sign up
Paid To Read : $4 per cpm
Click Exchange : free advertising
Low Payout : $0.05 minimum for PayPal and $0.50 for E-Gold
When the time I published this post, I had earned another $0.10 with 1 referral. So another $0.40 to reach my next payout.
If you got interested after reading this post, please sign up as my referral by clicking HERE.
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Labels: Earn Money Online
Monday, August 13, 2007
Reason To Like A Woman
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Labels: Relationship
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Schmooze Award
My other site My Interesting Files, has been tagged by Deborah from Life in the Fast Lane. Thank's Deborah. I'm so honored and excited to receive The Power of Schmooze Award.
The Schmooze Award is given to bloggers who get involved and make an effort to connect and get to know others in the blogsphere. When you receive this award, you are supposed to choose 5 other people who really help to grow the blogging community.
I would like to pass the badge along to :
Barbara from Writing From the Inside Out
Mark from Financial Independence
Awannabe from Awannabe's Hangout
Franco from Mind Body Spirit and Fluttering Thoughts
Michele from The Rocky Mountain Retreat
If you’ve already been tagged as such, then you are truly labeled accurately. Feel free to pass this badge along to others as you see fit. And if not and you’d like to keep it to yourself, that's all right.
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Labels: Award
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Mississipi Disaster

As many as 20 people are feared dead after an eight-lane bridge collapsed into the Mississipi river at rush hour. Authorities in Minneapolis, Minnesota, said that nine bodies had been already discovered and several people are still missing. The search halted because darkness posed a risk to divers, will restart at daybreak. Rescue workers said they did not expect to find any more survivors. Around 50 cars and lorries were thrown into the river, injuring dozens, after the road collapsed on Wednesday evening. Many were crushed by falling shards of concrete.
The bridge was undergoing minor repairs at the time of tragedy, officials said. Early reports suggested construction workers were using a jackhammer before collapse. It was last inspected in 2006 and no significant structural problems were found, according to Tim Pawlenty, the governor of Minnesota.
The Homeland Security department said the tragedy did not appear to be related to terrorism.
A school bus carrying about 60 children had a narrow escape, remaining intact despite the destruction around it. All those on board were saved, although 10 had to be taken to hospital.
Rescue workers scrambled into the river gorge to help people off the huge chunks of concrete roadway as fire and smoke rose from the wreckage.
Ramon Houge was driving on the bridge when heard a rumbling noise, saw the ground collapse in front of him and watched cars go down into the water.
"It didn't seem like it was real," he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Sarah Fahnhorst, who lives in an apartment a block away from the bridge, heard a huge thud and then "the entire building shook. It shook the ground," she told the paper.
Built in 1967, the steel-arched bridge stretched 1,906 feet across the river outside Minneapolis. It was part of the Interstate 35, one of many national highways that criss-cross the United State. The north-south route stretches from the Canadian border to the border with Mexico, passing through Minneapolis, Kansas City, Oklahoma City and Dallas.

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Labels: News
Friday, August 3, 2007
Ants Philosophy
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